This is the first newsletter FareShares has sent.
Dear FareShares customer,
If you are receiving this, you have signed up for our newsletter in the shop. So you know by now that it is run entirely by volunteers.
These volunteers are a bit stretched out in our tasks. In short, we are short of volunteers. So we need your help.
As any other shop, we need to take a note of our inventory every once in a while. Our next stock-take is on Saturday 2nd of April. Please let us know if you could come and help for an hour or longer. It is not a difficult task, it just takes a few people to do it.
If you decide to come, please write back or let the shift workers know, the next time you are in the shop. Please write your name and some way to contact you on the day book, so we know how many people we can count on.
We are also currently requesting blank, or one-sided-blank A4 paper. So if you work in an office that produces lots of scrap paper that can get into a printer, feel free to bring it to FareShares!
Thank you for all your help and your support.