All posts by caitlin

Veg and bread from Thursday 26 May 2022

  • Lettuce, Round/Butterhead, Essex
  • Kale, Curly Green, Cambs
  • Parsley, Cambs
  • Pea Shoots, London
  • Asparagus, Cambs
  • Mushrooms, Brown, Suffolk
  • Garlic, Spain
  • Onions, 60 – 80mm, Netherlands

country loaves, oat porridge loaves and olive sticks

See you at the co-op!

Veg and bread from Thursday 19 May 2022


  • Spinach, Ppk, Kent UK
  • Kale, Cavolo Nero, Cambs UK
  • Mushrooms, Brown, Suffolk UK
  • Ginger, Peru
  • Lettuce Batavia Green, Lincs UK
  • Avocado, Hass, Spain

No asparagus this week – but hopefully next


  • Country loaves – made with freshly milled whole grain wheat and rye grains and white flour
  • Rugbrød – made entirely with freshly milled wheat and rye and are packed with sprouted rye grains, sesame, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, brown linseeds, chia seeds, golden ale, coconut and soy yoghurt, salt
  • Olive sticks

See you at the co-op!


It is with heavy hearts we must share that The Old Post Office Bakery – who have been supplying us with incredible loaves, veggie sos rolls and pasties for years – are retiring. Our last delivery was a few weeks back, and the last day their Clapham shop is open is this Sunday 8th May. Thanks for everything OPOB, you will be missed by many a faresharer and swathes of Londoners! (on the off chance anyone’s interested in taking over a bakery… do get in touch with them)

However, every cloud has its silver lining, and through the grapevine we found local baker Damion, who has started supplying us. We’re now stocking his country loaves and porridge loaves – both sourdough and made with freshly milled organic wholewheat flour, organic white flour, water, leaven + salt; the latter also has a porridge of oats plus linseeds mixed in! £3.50 for a 1kg loaf. Porridge loaves apparently keep a fair bit longer than bread usually does (although that’s quite a challenge because it’s so delicious…)

Today we were treated to some incredible olive + zaatar bread sticks, £1.40 each. If you pop by the co-op asap there might still be some left…

A few new bits

The fridge was stocked up nicely on Thursday! We’re trialling some soya yogurts (Sojade) and cashew cheese (Tyne Chease), although you won’t see any of the latter in this pic as it was all gone by 6pm…

The bakery order has been upped slightly, meaning you have a bit more of a chance of getting your hands on a veg pasty or sourdough loaf if you come in later in the day / week 😅

Other recents additions include chocolate (Montezuma’s), coffee (Clippers), a new variety of baked beans and a new vegan mayo!

Always useful to hear what you love / loathe / would like to try… chat to us when you’re in the co-op or email info AT